Chorley New Road Primary Academy

Challenge - Nurture - Respect

At Chorley New Road Primary we recognise that reading is a multi-strategy approach to understanding the written word. It is not simply the decoding of words on the page but involves the ability to read with understanding and enjoyment a wide range of different texts, including fiction, non-fiction, real world texts such as labels, captions, lists and environmental print. Competence in reading is the key to independent learning, therefore the teaching of reading is given a high priority by all staff. Success in reading has a direct effect on progress in all areas of the curriculum and is crucial in developing children’s self-esteem, confidence and motivation. It is for this reason that we place a heavy emphasis on reading and have an allocated a daily dedicated slot to teaching children reading skills.

Phonics is taught throughout the school using Read Write Inc from Reception through to Year 6.

During guided reading session we often use:
Project X
Jelly and Bean
Collins Big Cat

Parental Involvement
Co-operation and support from parents is paramount if a child is to become a successful and competent reader. At Chorley New Road Primary we strive to develop and encourage a strong partnership between home and school. We send reading books home regularly and to encourage parents and carers to contribute to their child’s reading development, welcoming comments in individual reading record book.

All children in KS1 and KS2 will be given:
A reading book at an appropriate level to take home, together with a reading record book. Children’s individual reading will be monitored by staff and supported by classroom assistants. Children will take their reading record books home every day, a comment will be written in the reading record. Rewards may be given for regular reading at home. Reading should not be seen as just a ‘school activity’. Wider family involvement supports reading and ensures children have access to reading materials at home.

Hearing Books Read Aloud
This builds enthusiasm and enjoyment. It influences independent reading and tunes children in to book language. All classes have a specified time during the day where the class teacher or learning assistant reads a class reading book to the children.

Reading Environment
We have a beautiful library stocked full of books ranging from poems, comics, picture books, fiction and non fiction. All classes are timetabled visits during the week. . The library has cushioned stools and curved seating where our children can be found curled up, engrossed in a good book. All classrooms have a Reading area and all have displays focused on reading – favourite books, book reviews, book of the week etc

Reading Buddies
Upper KS2 children have all been linked with children in Year 1 and Year 2, to form Reading Buddies.  The older children read to their buddies during playtimes and lunchtimes

Reading Progression